CA: 0xe904AA02AECF6bBd84Bc5FF840506E50c2a70f0E

Welcome to $PANDA

$PANDA - The Revolutionary Memetoken in the LINEA Ecosystem

Our deep trust in LINEA as the leading layer 2 solution for Ethereum motivates us to make a significant contribution with $PANDA.

$PANDA is characterized by its deflationary nature, which means that an autoburn mechanism is implemented in the smart contract. This feature performs regular automatic burns, which not only reduces the total amount of tokens, but also promotes long-term value preservation.

The $PANDA team is committed to transparency and accountability. A regular buyback mechanism is implemented by the team to ensure a stable market and build community trust. This approach helps to create sustainable value for $PANDA.

Our overarching goal is to become the largest memetoken in the LINEA ecosystem, gaining recognition beyond borders in the process. We are convinced that this will not only increase the visibility of $PANDA, but also help to attract more investors to LINEA. Through constant development and innovation, we strive to reach the top and have a positive impact on the entire LINEA ecosystem.

Do your own research - Use our Proof links

Our Contract is renounced


If a cryptocurrency's smart contract has been abandoned or renounced, this means that the original developers no longer have control over the code and cannot make any further changes. This is often seen as a security measure to increase investor confidence in the immutability of the project. Follow the link to check our renounce.








 100% of Liquidity is locked


Liquidity locking is a practice in decentralized finance DeFi, where project developers lock a portion of their liquidity pool tokens in a smart contract for a predetermined period. This practice helps increase investor confidence and prevents rugpulls, which occur when project owners withdraw liquidity, leaving investors with worthless tokens. Follow the link to check our locked liquidity.






Contract is verified


"Contract verified" means that the smart contract of a cryptocurrency or decentralized finance protocol has been verified by an independent third party. This verification usually involves examining the smart contract to ensure that it performs as intended, is secure and transparent. A verified contract helps to increase user confidence in the integrity and security of the project. Follow the Link to check the Code.





Total Supply



Autoburn: 1%

Liquidity 1%

Marketing 2%

Buyback 2%




If you don't have a wallet yet, create a Metamask wallet. Add LINEA network to Metamask. Buy ETH on the native Ethereum blockchain and bridge it to LINEA. Go to a supported DEX with your dAPP browser and add our contract address (0xe904AA02AECF6bBd84Bc5FF840506E50c2a70f0E). Click swap. Confirm the purchase in your wallet. If your tokens are not displayed, add our token manually to your wallet. If you need further help, please contact one of our admins in our group. 

©PANDA MEME TOKEN powered by SolVersum

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